Add Flash to e-Textiles
The LilyTiny adds flash and functionality to e-textile projects without taking up a lot of room. Each connector is pre-programmed with a different LED pattern - blinking on and off (2), flashing a heartbeat pattern (1), "breathing" fade (0), and random fading (3). For those who want to take it further, the LilyTiny can be reprogrammed using the ICSP connectors on the back of the board
Recommended one board for every student. Recommended for grades 4+
Note: A portion of this sale is given back to Dr. Leah Buechley for continued development and education in e-textiles.
- Schematic
- Eagle Files
- Getting Started
- Re-Programming the LilyTiny
- Datasheet (ATtiny85)
- Arduino Quick Reference (ATtiny85)
- Arduino Code
- GitHub