micro:bit Video Resources
Getting Started with micro:bit
Let’s take a look at the history of the micro:bit and we go over the basics of programming the micro:bit using the online Microsoft MakeCode block editor.
Part 2: Electronic Magic 8 Ball
As we continue with the micro:bit tutorial series, we replicate a famous 1950s toy: the Magic 8 Ball. Here, we show how easy it is to respond to accelerometer events, such as physically shaking the board. Additionally, we cover how to share your Microsoft MakeCode project by sending someone the .hex file or creating a project page in MakeCode.
Part 3: Temp Gauge
In this episode of Getting Started with micro:bit, we create a simple temperature gauge using the internal temperature sensor and a servo. We show a couple different ways to connect a servo to the micro:bit and how to control it (using buttons as well as responding to changes in temperature).
Part 4: Remote Burglar Alarm
For this episode of Getting Started with micro:bit, we create a simple messenger app using the Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) radio on two separate micro:bits. Afterwards, we create a light sensor that sends a wireless signal to a receiving micro:bit in order to catch a sandwich thief.